In an alternate, present day Wales, people have become dependent on social media. Online dating is commonplace, and half of all UK marriages end in divorce. Tristan and Seth, a couple in their twenties, have signed up for treatment at Brand New Beginnings, a company with a procedure that wipes all the bad memories from your relationship, replacing them with false, happy memories developed in a laboratory. As the procedure is explained, Tristan and Seth begin to have second thoughts.
Strange Tales
Strange Tales is an all new YouTube Channel featuring individual short films of all genres, which showcase talent in front and behind the camera.
The channel will launch with a first phase of films in early 2019. The channel will then continue to grow, with new content added periodically.
In 2018/19, we plan to produce eight short films for the launch. These films will be made by Watchers Productions, working alongside other up-and-coming directors, writers and actors.
Strange Tales has no boundaries on genre of story and every film will be individual in style.
21st January 2019
We are proud to announce that we have finished filming our
Strange Tale: Brand New beginnings!
A Massive Thank You to Actors: Christopher Maxwell, Harold T Spencer,
Sarah Bennington and the fantastic Writer, Matthew Ford
Thank you to Watchers Productions for giving us the chance to
create an episode for you!
Over to the editors!
We are proud to announce that we have finished filming our
Strange Tale: Brand New beginnings!
A Massive Thank You to Actors: Christopher Maxwell, Harold T Spencer,
Sarah Bennington and the fantastic Writer, Matthew Ford
Thank you to Watchers Productions for giving us the chance to
create an episode for you!
Over to the editors!